Member Activities

The overall purpose of the Member Activities Board (MAB) is to promote membership within the IEEE Control Systems Society and to provide IEEE resources to the membership through various committee activities.

The constituents served by the MAB include all members of the society. Besides its publications, its conferences, and its technical activities, the IEEE Control Systems Society also spends considerable efforts in providing services to its members.

These efforts and initiatives range from organizing reduced conference registration fees for students to nominating and evaluating candidates for IEEE Fellow, from coordinating the activities of local society chapters to promoting the role of women in control, to collecting documentation about historical developments and personalities in our field.

These initiatives do not come by accident. They are most often the result of a lot of brainstorming that goes on in a number of committees, whose chairs collectively make up the MAB. The MAB is headed by the Vice-President for Member Activities. A listing of each member of MAB can be found here.

It goes without saying that there would be no Member Activities without active members, no brainstorming without brains, and no initiatives without proposals. Do not hesitate to contact either myself, or the chair of any committee of MAB with input, or if you are interested in volunteering in some capacity.

Vice-President for Member Activities

Li-Chen Fu

Vice-President for Member Activities
National Taiwan University